Salisbury Saintes Twinning Association
Saintes Salisbury Twinning

Queen`s Platinum Jubilee celebrated at Saintes

As much as one expected the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee to be celebrated throughout the UK a celebration in France was less expected.  Yet on Sunday 5th June the Amitiés Saintes Salisbury held a garden party to celebrate this great occasion.  The party began at 4 pm and after a fairly dismal day as far as the weather was concerned it perked up and the sun shone just as the event got under way.  Our hosts had laid on a wonderful spread, assisted by members who brought along some wonderful plates of food and spectacular cakes. 

To start the festivities in true English style we were given a glass of Pimm’s and some cucumber sandwiches.  Indeed, as Gilles Rossi, Président Amitiés Saintes Salisbury, noted, it was a very English tea party apart from one important thing, there was no tea! 

It was lovely to meet up with friends who we had not seen for a couple of years thanks to Covid and Gilles and I were able to discuss a bit of business and thoughts for the future. 

Although not particularly English in character we were serenaded throughout the afternoon by a trio playing Hawaiian music.  And when I say throughout the afternoon that is the literal truth.  They played for three hours without a break, sustained only by a ready supply of beer. 

Now that the nightmare of the pandemic is slowly receding the two associations are keen to get twinning between the two cities up and running again.  Events like this are a good start.


Mervyn Pannett, Chairman Salisbury Saintes Twinning Association


The Président and Chairman enjoy the party.

The Président and Chairman enjoy the party.